第四章开始了 LinQ to Object 的讲解(Entity 用了很多linq的语法,如果Linq 掌握好了Entity很好学了):
第四第五章 需要多加练习例子,熟练linq 的语法。
第四章的例子做完了,主要讲了一些常用的Linq 语法。
1.select select many
2. orderby
3. group, join group, left join, cross join, inner join, nested query
4.where .......
5. take() skip()
var publishersource = from bookbb in books
select new { Name = from pub in Publishers where pub.Name == bookbb.Publisher.Name select pub, bookbb.Title, bookbb.Price }; var groupsource = from groupbook in books group groupbook by groupbook.Publisher into PublisherGroupName select new { Name = PublisherGroupName.Key.Name, Books = PublisherGroupName }; var groupjoinsource = from publishersor in Publishers join booksor in books on publishersor equals booksor.Publisher into PublisherGroup select new { Name = publishersor.Name, Books = PublisherGroup }; var leftjoingroup = from publisher in Publishers join booksor in books on publisher equals booksor.Publisher into GroupPublisher from book in GroupPublisher.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { Publisher = publisher.Name, Book = book == default(Book)?"no books":book.Title }; var crossingJoin = from publisher in Publishers from book in books select new { Name = publisher.Name, Title = book.Title };第五章主要讲性能:
1. nongeneric collection need to : Cast, ofType, explicitly convert to object.
2.分组使用多个元素 group by more than one characters.